

In this chamber of wonders, which is mainly located in the Museo Archeologico, the many different ramifications of the contemporary musical repertoire are brought together.
The proposed works are selected this year by the composer Silvia Colasanti, with an eye to the international scene and the inspiration inherited from ancient music.

This year too Trame Sonore dedicates a space to today’s music: Wunderkammer 2024 will be the meeting place between our more or less distant musical roots and the present time, through a series of concerts and meetings with Italian performers and composers and foreigners who, through distant aesthetics, tell the multiplicity of visions that coexist in the present. (Silvia Colasanti)

Un caffè con.. Silvia Colasanti and Oreste Bossini

May 30th 2024 – 2.30 pm
Palazzo Castiglioni, Giardino

Quartetto OCM Academy - Mozart, Mouzouri

May 30th 2024 – 4.00 pm
Museo Archeologico

Matangi Quartet, Giovanni Landini - Secolo Italiano

May 30th 2024 – 5.45 pm
Museo Archeologico

Ensemble 900, Francesco Bossaglia, Erik Bertsch - Ciceri, Beethoven

May 31st 2024 – 12.00
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Klimt Quartet - Dallapiccola, Rota, Sciarrino, Darmanin

May 31st 2024 – 12.15 pm
Museo Archeologico

Pietro Roffi, Alessandro Stella - Kancheli

May 31st 2024 – 4.00 pm
Museo Archeologico

Sannicandro, Kovalev, Rana, Spada - Mahler

May 31st 2024 – 5.45 pm
Museo Archeologico

Amai Quartet, Paolo Marzocchi - Mymosh, il Figlio-di-Se-Stesso

May 31st 2024 – 7.00 pm
Corte Beccaguti Cavriani

Mark Padmore, Stefano Rossi, Mantua Chamber Orchestra, Hossein Pishkar - Colasanti, Britten

May 31st 2024 – 10.15 pm
Teatro Bibiena

Mascetti, Fumagalli, Casati - Ciceri, Mozart

June 1st 2024 – 9.45am
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Federica Lotti - Togni, Vaglini, Azzan, Ambrosini

June 1st 2024 – 11.00 am

Erik Bertsch - Frescobaldi, Ligeti

June 1st 2024 – 12.15 pm
Museo Archeologico

mdi ensemble - Sani, Scia

June 1st 2024 – 4.00 pm
Museo Archeologico

mdi ensemble - Solbiati, Lorusso

June 1st 2024 – 5.45 pm
Museo Archeologico

Istantanea Ensemble - Virtual Landscape

June 2nd 2024 – 12.15 pm
Museo Archeologico

Malion Quartet - Widmann, Adams, Montgomery

June 2nd 2024 – 4.00 pm
Museo Archeologico