
Mihaela Costea – violin

Mihaela Costea - violin

Mihaela Costea graduated in violin with full marks and honors from the “O. Bancila” of his hometown and at the “Rossini” Conservatory of Pesaro.
She then attended the Musical Specialization School of Saluzzo and the Walter Stauffer Academy of Cremona.
She has deepened his solo repertoire with Salvatore Accardo, Mariana Sirbu, Vadim Brodski, Giuseppe Prencipe and Lia Pirvu.
She was part of the Italian Chamber Orchestra founded by Salvatore Accardo and collaborated as first violinist with the Venetian Philharmonic Orchestra of Treviso, the Riva del Garda Festival Orchestra, the International Orchestra of Italy and the ‘San Carlo Orchestra of Naples.
Since January 2000 she has held the role of concertmaster and soloist at the Regional Orchestra of Emilia Romagna and the Arturo Toscanini Philharmonic.
She collaborates as first violinist with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the BBC Symphony Orchestra of London and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra of London, the Orchestra of the Suisse Romande, the Stanislavskij Orchestra, the Fondacao Calouste
Gulbenkian of Lisbon at the invitation of Lawrence Foster.
She performed under the guidance of illustrious conductors and musicians such as Yuri Temirkanov, Riccardo Muti, Mstislav Rostropovich, Itzhak Perlman, Lorin Maazel, Gidon Kremer, André Previn, Vladimir Jurowski, Christoph Eschenbach, James Conlon, Jurai Valčuha, Daniel Harding , Kazushi Ono, Isaac Karabchevsky, Gary Bertini, Georges Prètre, Anne Sophie Mutter, Daniel Oren, Eliahu Inbal, Charles Dutoit, Kurt Masur, Lawrence Foster, Yoel Levi.
Mihaela Costea plays a Matteo Goffriller violin, from the year 1690.


Mihaela Costea, Silvia Chiesa, Linda Di Carlo - A femme savante

June 2nd 2024 – 2.00 pm
Palazzo Vescovile, Salone degli Arazzi