
Palazzo Te | Sala dei Cavalli

sala degli specchi

Intended for the reception of guests and the most important ceremonies, the Sala dei Cavalli, probably built between 1526 and 1528, takes its name from the life-size portraits of the steeds painted in the lower part of the frescoed walls.
Federico II Gonzaga, like his ancestors, raised them in the famous Gonzaga stables and held them in the highest regard, considering them the highest homage that could be paid to an illustrious guest.
Some still bear their name at the bottom, among the hooves: Morel Favorito, the gray horse on the south wall; Dario, the clearest on the north face.
Horses, which stand out against the backdrop of landscapes, dominate a grandiose architecture painted on the walls, punctuated by Corinthian pilasters and niches that house statues of divinities or, above the windows, busts of famous characters.
The upper part of the aisle is characterized by bas-reliefs in fake bronze that describe the labors of Hercules. The frieze, which runs immediately under the marvelous gilded wooden ceiling with the feat of the salamander and Mount Olympus, is populated by cherubs who move between masks and graceful multicolored spirals.


Federica Napoletani, Alessandro Maria Carnelli - Schönberg, Mahler

May 30th 2024 – 11.30 am
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Ensemble Diderot - Métamorphoses. Le mutazioni dello stile italiano in Francia

May 30th 2024 – 2.30 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Ensemble Micrologus - Dinastie: Canzoni e Danze nelle Corti Italiane del ‘400

May 30th 2024 – 5.30 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Trio OCM Academy - Piazzolla, Beltrami

May 30th 2024 – 7.15 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Stefano Biguzzi, Paolo Perucchetti, Gerardo Chimini - Brahms

May 31st 2024 – 11.30 am
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Avetis Quartet - Padre Komitas

May 31st 2024 – 5.30 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Filippo Ghidoni, Alessandro Zilioli - Mozart

May 31st 2024 – 7.15 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Andrea Mascetti, Paolo Fumagalli, Giorgio Casati - Ciceri, Mozart

June 1st 2024 – 9.45am
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Chiara Sannicandro, Georgy Kovalev, Ludovica Rana, Massimo Spada - Taneyev

June 1st 2024 – 11.00 am
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Enea Barock Orchestra - Bach The Art of Fugue

June 21st 2024 – 12.30 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Trio Synchordia - Ravel

June 1st 2024 – 2.30 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Alessandro Stella, Marcos Madrigal - Montemezzi, Pizzetti

June 1st 2024 – 4.00 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Gabriele Fava, Andrea Goretti - Puccini's Secrets

June 1st 2024 – 5.30 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

Quartetto OCM Academy, Alessandro Zilioli - Schumann

June 1st 2024 – 7.15 pm
Palazzo Te, Sala dei Cavalli

QuartettOCMantova - Puccini

June 2nd 2024 – 9.45 am
Palazzo Te, Giardino Segreto

Ensemble Dorati - Haydn, Schulhoff

June 2nd 2024 – 11.00 am
Palazzo Te, Giardino Segreto

Trio Etèsio - Kodály, Sinigallia

June 2nd 2024 – 2.30 pm
Palazzo Te, Giardino Segreto

Antonella Antonioli, Claudio Sanna - Au Maître Gabriel Fauré

June 2nd 2024 – 4.00 pm
Palazzo Te, Giardino Segreto

Blagoj Nacoski, Luca Ciammarughi - Britten

June 2nd 2024 – 5.30 pm
Palazzo Te, Giardino Segreto