
Palazzo Panzera

sala degli specchi

Tracking down the architectural complex history, careful and accurate archive research has highlighted an interesting genesis of the building, which originally belonged to the family of Bartolomeo Panzera, named general factor of Isabella d’Este in 1526.
The building dates back to 1534 as stated in the inscription carved into the corner pillar “Barth. Panzera MDXXXIIII “. In reality, rather than a brand new construction, it was the renovation of an already existing building.
As evidenced by the research “on the presence of a Julian construction site in the first half of the sixteenth century”, it is Giulio Romano himself who, in his capacity as general supervisor of all urban construction sites, directs and coordinates the workers.
After 1798, Jews were finally able to buy houses outside the ghetto and they occupied several buildings in the nearby streets, including via Corridoni.
In the first half of the nineteenth century, the building then passed to the Berla, Norsa and Finzi families.
In the 1960s a construction company purchased the structure, that was fortunately saved from the risk of demolition thanks to the intervention of associations and private protests; since the 1970s the current owners (Corbellani family) have carried out a restoration work which has given a new life to the fine architecture; similar interventions are also desirable for the part of the frescoes which is still hidden under the subsequent repainting.


Goldberg Quartet - Ravel

May 31st 2024 – 5.00 pm
Palazzo Panzera