
Palazzo Ducale | Galleria degli Specchi

sala degli specchi

The Galleria degli Specchi is located in the oldest part of the Palazzo Ducale called Corte Vecchia. Originally the room was built in the form of a loggia, opening onto the courtyard of honor, but by 1611 it was closed and housed the most important paintings from the Gonzaga collection.
The gallery had the largest pictorial decoration ever executed in the palace, dating back to around 1618 and inspired by the celebration of the sciences and arts, with allegorical figures taken from the Iconology of Cesare Ripa. Parnassus was painted in the two large lunettes at the ends, where portraits of poets appear together with Apollo and the Muses (at least Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Ariosto and Tasso appear) and the Allegory of the Liberal Arts.
On the lunettes on the long internal wall and in the two extreme parts of the vault, one after the other, there are images of the Virtues. In 1779 the walls were renovated with gilded stucco and mirrors as it still is today.


Inauguration Vecando Trio - Ravel

May 29th 2024 – 9.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Manuela Mosca, Gabrielle Echiverri, Yana Prakudovich, Marco Decimo, Massimo Cottica - J. Brahms

May 30th 2024 – 12.00
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Giovanni Bietti - I love Puccini

May 30th 2024 – 5.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Avetis Quartet, Maya Oganyan - Dvorák

May 30th 2024 – 9.15 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Ensemble 900, Francesco Bossaglia, Erik Bertsch - Ciceri

May 31st 2024 – 12.00
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

QuartettOCMantova, Andrea Rebaudengo - Šostakóvič

May 31st 2024 – 5.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Marco Rizzi, Giovanni Gnocchi, Andrea Lucchesini - Brahms

May 31st 2024 – 9.15 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Silvia Chiesa, Maurizio Baglini - Novecento Italiano, il canto strumentale

June 1st 2024 – 12.00
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Alessandra Ammara, Roberto Prosseda, Sandro Cappelletto - Pagine di guerra e aria di libertà

June 1st 2024 – 3.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Ensemble OCM, Luca Ciammarughi - Mozart

June 1st 2024 – 5.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Klimt Quartet, Amerigo Bernardi - Schubert

June 1st 2024 – 9.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Javier Comesaña Barrera, Ying Li - Boulanger, Respighi

June 2nd 2024 – 12.00
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Cinzia Forte, Sandro Cappelletto, Marco Scolastra - Ho dovuto ucciderle (quasi) tutte. Giacomo Puccini talks about his divas

June 2nd 2024 – 3.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi

Irena Kavčič, Tommaso Lonquich, Alessandro Stella - Eisler, Vauda, Poulenc

June 2nd 2024 – 5.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi