
Paolo Marzocchi – composer and pianist

Paolo Marzocchi - composer and piano

Paolo Marzocchi, composer and pianist, was born in Pesaro in 1971.
Having approached the study of music as a child on an old family piano, he continued his studies at the conservatory of his city, where at 12 he was advised to give it up and dedicate himself to something else. After a few years of self-taught and various experiences, Marzocchi tried again, graduating first in composition and then in piano. However, this non-linear training path had a profound impact on his way of experiencing music, which he continued to approach in a natural way and without worrying about labels and linguistic barriers, dedicating himself to composition and performance in all its forms. His production includes symphonic music, chamber music, operas, music for cinema, theatre, radio, and experiments with other languages ​​and new technologies. As a composer and performer he has collaborated with many internationally renowned artists, and received numerous commissions for the creation of piano, chamber and symphonic works, appearing in the programs of prestigious Italian and international institutions, and often covering both the role of author and performer or conductor.
His piano compositions collected in the album “Piano Works” (Amadeus d’Oro, was defined as “mesmeric” by Luca Ciammarughi) have recently been released in a book and on the new Martinville platform.
He is the creator and artistic director of the WunderKammer Orchestra.


Amai Quartet, Paolo Marzocchi - Mymosh, il Figlio-di-Se-Stesso

May 31st 2024 – 7.00 pm
Corte Beccaguti Cavriani