Marco Scolastra – piano

Marco Scolastra, pianist, completed his musical studies at the “F. Morlacchi” of Perugia, graduating with top marks and honors under the guidance of Franco Fabiani. He subsequently studied for a few years with Aldo Ciccolini and Ennio Pastorino and attended master classes with Lya De Barberiis, Paul Badura-Skoda, Dario De Rosa and – at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena – with Joaquin Achucarro and Katia Labèque. Since 1993 he has played regularly in a piano duo with Sebastiano Brusco and since 2000 he has carried out intense concert activity with the actor Elio Pandolfi.
Cinzia Forte, Sandro Cappelletto, Marco Scolastra - Ho dovuto ucciderle (quasi) tutte
June 2nd 2024 – 3.00 pm
Palazzo Ducale, Galleria degli Specchi